Portland Survey, 2023

Back in ye olden days of 2015, the Portland Puzzled Pint Game Control put together a small survey. We wanted to collect demographics, suggestions, and threw a couple of fun questions in there. It was really fun and interesting, but it’s been 8 years. It needed an update. I made some tweaks to the questions and circulated it to players during our May event in inner SE Portland.

The opening question was about the duration that folks have been attending Puzzled Pint. This question had some minor wording tweaks from the original. How long have you been “attending” switched to “solving” because… *gestures wildly around in the general direction of the past three years*.

This shows that we have some long-time regulars. But it also shows we’ve had some wonderful new people discover Puzzled Pint Portland since we returned to in-person events. Welcome! And may you slide your way up toward the right of the graph. One person, who got counted as “3+ years” had a write-in entry:

13 years

Let’s check out the stats on distances and transit. Portland is a small “big city” and the travel distances and methods reflect that. The answers show that the vast majority of people came in to the event from 5 miles or less. (Aside: that could mean they live that close, or it could mean they work downtown and jumped across the river.)

Portland has a healthy public transit system (at least, compared to the rest of transit in the US) and a great bicycle infrastructure. We waned to find out not just how far away people came from, but what method of travel they used.

Three quarters are still cars, though a nice chunk of that was carpooling. The number of walkers surprised me — I’d expected the wedge size to be flip-flopped. But it was a nice day, and a walk of 0-5 miles isn’t bad. (Me, personally? I ended up walking a mile and a half from downtown and got a gorgeous view off of Hawthorne Bridge.)

One bit of marginalia defended that they came by car “from work!”

“From Work!”

The company I work for used to do customer satisfaction surveys by a methodology called Net Promoter Score. There is both some math and some hand-wavy-magical-reasoning involved, but the gist is that you ask this “recommendation” question and people who answer 9–10 are positive, 7–8 are neutral, and the rest are negative. This shows that folks still like Puzzled Pint!

And someone likes it so much that they’ve already recommended it to a friend!


Next up, we asked about neighborhoods. This question helps us refine where to look for bars. Spoiler alert: everyone on the current GC team lives in SE, so we tend to bias toward that quadrant. But it’s good to get a feel for where folks are willing to travel. You can see it tapers off as you go east/west, and even a bit north/south. Between this and suggestions for bars (a later question we’ll see in a bit), we can get a good idea of places to scout. As our size increases, as more people get comfortable returning to in-person events, finding locations does become more difficult. In our peak, pre-pandemic, we needed places that could hold 120 people. At present, we’re about half that, which does open up more possible locations.

Putting on my data-analysis cap, I can’t deny that the opinions neighborhoods might be a little self-selecting, since we’d picked a bar in inner Southeast. Folks from Beaverton who didn’t want to travel to SE wouldn’t have been represented, etc. But hey! If you’re from Beaverton and would like to start up a local chapter for folks out there, please contact game control!

For what it’s worth, the location question was copy-pasted from the previous survey. I didn’t notice Fremont was misspelled last time. And so it was this time.

Called out on my misspelling!

We strive to make Puzzled Pint puzzles accessible to beginners. And I think we do end up fulfilling that promise. But there’s a pattern that repeats. As the beginners get familiar with Puzzled Pint, the format of puzzles, and strategies for solving, the “just right” puzzles start to feel a little too easy. In the past, we’ve had folks want to spin up a “Puzzled Pint, but with more difficult puzzles.” And that’s certainly something we’d encourage a motivated person to do. (And hope it’s an event that the GC could attend as players, much like DASH.) But that just-right-to-too-easy pipeline is a struggle.

Oddly, the data from this survey shows quite the opposite. And I’m curious as to why. I’m afraid I don’t have any theories. Could the puzzles actually be too hard? Hinting too obtuse? Not enough new folks are reading and understanding the “Puzzling Basics” handout on the back of the code sheet? I don’t know, but I’m open to hearing your own theories.

Always — we appreciate fun write-in comments in the margins. But much like the “13+ Years” write-in above, we do have to normalize the actual answers people give. For instance, what do you do with someone who circles two? In this case it got rounded down to 3, which is more of an outlier than 4 would have been.

When we last ran this survey, we had a simple and fun final question: kittens or puppies. Puppies won out by a nose. This time, we flipped to kittens. Make of this what you will.

We’ve had a renaissance of both Star Trek and Star Wars since our last survey, so I thought I’d also capture that opinion for the fun of it.

There were certainly some outlying opinions.

The question about bar-suggestions elicited several responses:

The open-ended “anything else you would like to share” question had a few specific requests:

  • “Find quieter places with better food. White Owl is woefully understaffed.”
  • “Vegan food options are appreciated 🙂 ”
  • “I’d like places with more vegan food options.”

As far as understaffing goes, we do check with the bar before we pick one to schedule for the month. This lets the bar manager veto us showing up, if they think we’ll bring too many people for their staff to handle. It also gives them room to schedule more people for the night. Sometimes they don’t believe us (especially when we were at 120 people, rotating bars monthly, so we didn’t get a strong relationship with any specific bar). Sometimes the message gets lost between the manager we speak to and whoever’s doing scheduling. We do our best, but sometimes someone drops the ball.

As far as food options, we’re thankful that Portland bars are increasingly accommodating to all diets. We definitely try to pick bars with vegetarian items on the menu (that aren’t just “here, have some french fries”). We don’t always think to look for vegan offerings, but will try to be better about that in the future.

Finally, there was a lot of love outpouring for Puzzled Pint…

Rating System Feedback

tl;dr People mostly like the star difficulty rating system, so we’re keeping it.

You might have noticed that we’ve been experimenting with adding difficulty rating to puzzles.  I brought this notion to Puzzled Pint HQ last year because some teams in Austin kept asking which puzzles were the “easy” ones.  Looking further into this, it became apparent that those teams were generally of mixed experience levels, and wanted to give the easier ones to the more novice solvers to attempt first.

Our First Two Trials

We tested this in Austin as an A/B test adding “Easy, Medium, or Hard” to the top of each puzzle in October.  I asked each team after the event if they liked having the rating system.  Obviously, the teams that normally asked about difficulty liked it, but nearly all teams gave really positive feedback among them.  In fact, we had only a single negative comment of the nature “I was proud of myself, until I saw it was marked easy“.

In November and December, we went broader adding the same system to every city’s copies.  This went over less well with several complains by GC of people hating the system, and in December of the rating being inaccurate.   The ratings were based strictly on the “difficulty” response provided by playtesters on their feedback forms, but there was some judgement in determining the cutoff values between easy and medium and hard.

This negative feedback from GC was concerning and confusing, since the Austin test had gone so well.  We didn’t know if only the players that hated it were complaining and GC wasn’t getting the positive feedback, or if the testing in Austin was an outlier and the hate was universal.

Another Test

Because of that negative feedback, we decided to scrap the ratings system for January 2017 and think about a resolution.   It seemed the “I felt bad because this was supposed to be easy” was a common complaint on the feedback thread, so we decided on a slightly different system of using a 5-star rating instead of the English words.  Hopefully, this would convey the information, but allow people to rate their abilities themselves instead of having the implicit judgement of not being able to get an ‘easy’ puzzle.

Thus, February’s puzzles had this new system, but, by golly, we were going to solicit player feedback this time to make sure.  If you love charts like I do, you’ll like this next bit…

We had 434 teams do February’s set (1440 people, not including Game Control members).  The puzzles’ difficulties ranged from 2 to 4 stars, as is our goal, not too easy and not too hard.  Of course, in the future, it’s possible for various reasons that a puzzle set might legitimately contain a 1 or a 5-star puzzle.

February’s set was the most playtested, perhaps ever, in Puzzled Pint history. This ensures that the feedback on the system wasn’t tainted by incorrect difficulty ratings.  Even so, I made the call to bump the Cupid puzzle to 4 stars because it had a large standard deviation instead of keeping it at the strict mean, which would have been 3 stars.  We probably will formalize that going forward at setting star difficulties at the first standard deviation to the right of the mean.

So, how were the responses?

Well, first off, we didn’t have the response rate I’d hoped.  Even if you don’t consider teams that didn’t finish the puzzle set (i.e. had fewer than 5 completed puzzles), here’s the response rate by city:

Still, a 59% response rate is enough to represent a good section of our players, and the results are likely skewed away from beginners anyhow because beginners are less likely to finish the set and thus have not given a response.   Recall, Puzzled Pint is very much targeting the experience of the beginner puzzler, not the experts or even the ‘regulars’.

So, what were the survey results?

Only 4 teams in our survey reported that the difficulty ratings were harmful.  Amazing! We figured that would be higher considering the feedback on the GC thread.

90 teams did say that they were not helpful, but that they didn’t mind their existence.

67 teams said that they were helpful, but not necessary.

Finally, 63 teams said that they really wanted us to keep them!

Breaking Down the Data

Those stats alone don’t tell the full story.  Yes, more people wanted us to keep them than thought they were helpful, but we are interested to know how much they helped the more novice teams.

How are we to judge which QotM responses came in from the beginners vs the more experienced?  We hypothesized that, since we collect solve times, we could look at those and assume that teams that took longer to finish the set were the less experienced puzzlers.

But wait!  What about team size?  Don’t smaller teams take longer?  To check, I ran those numbers and came up with this lovely chart:

Nope! Team size matters very very little to overall solve time.  There is a clear downward trend, but the standard deviation is nearly a consistent 40 minutes for each sized team.

In the chart, I used larger bubbles when multiple teams had the same exact size and minutes taken.  As you can see by the data points, there was a huge variance of solve times, no matter the team size.

Therefore, I felt safe in doing the analysis based purely on the number of minutes taken to do the set, assuming those that took longer were the more inexperienced.  A simple histogram sorting those times into buckets of 15 minutes allowed me to create this graph of the opinion results:

First of all, let us revel in the lovely emergence of the Gaussian curve again in nature.  This one has a fatter tail than true normal, but it’s nice and smooth.  Ahh.

Next, we can clearly ignore the red bars, the ‘complainers’, as they are so few.  So, let’s look only at the rest.

Both light green and orange show no clear trend, but it does seem the dark green increases as solving time increases.  For a clearer picture let’s ignore the number of teams in each category and look at the percentages within each:

Now we can see a significant trend.  Ignoring the outliers on either end (there’s only one team in the 20-34 bucket).  Even though a pretty constant percent of the teams think the rating aren’t helpful, the longer a team takes to solve the more they like the rating system!

Okay, so there’s one lingering question that remained in my mind.  Is this city dependent?  Maybe some cities just hate them and others like them?  Will we see a significant variance among cities, or will they all just be average?  Well, check this out:

Boom!  We have a triangle!  I’ve put the size of each city on the X axis, and their average rating on the Y.  As cities grow the responses move towards the mean answer of ‘slightly yes’.  Still, I’m amazed at the variance in the smaller cities (this is actually locations, not cities, but you know what I mean).

Boston, our largest city by far is clearly supportive of the rating system, not like Victoria’s 100% support, of course, but solidly above the disdain that Tacoma’s 17 people have.  Luckily, this chart shows that, by combining cities, I wasn’t significantly masking any strong negatives from only a few.  No city really minds the system (on average), and most of them are well into the ‘yes’ range.  Austin (both sites) are well into the yes range, which validates the earlier testing there.

Overall folks, the rating system is here to stay.  Thanks for participating, and please keep the suggestions and feedback coming, so we can continue to improve in the future.

Yours Truly,

Neal Tibrewala
Puzzled Pint HQ


Your theme suggestions

Puzzled Pint is always looking for authors — both seasoned veterans and people who want to get their first taste at puzzle design. Because we do one set of puzzles per month, our waitlist is about a year out, but that’s a good thing for all. It means we have to time to work with draft puzzles, provide direct feedback, bounce the puzzles off of playtesters in the US and abroad, and route that feedback to the author as suggested revisions.

Some authors like to come up with a theme first, then see what sorts of puzzle mechanisms that theme inspires. Others like to come up with mechanisms first and then wrap them in story and theme. Both ways are equally valid. For what it’s worth, bonus puzzles are often — but not always — in the latter camp.

This month we asked a Question of the Month to our Puzzled Pint attendees. We asked you to suggest themes for upcoming months. Our hope was that this could provide a source of inspiration to future authors. We would like to share the results here. There were 374 total suggestions from 23 cities. The top suggestions (with 3 or more votes) are:

  • Star Wars (14)
  • Harry Potter (13)
  • Disney (10)
  • board games (9)
  • geography (6)
  • video games (6)
  • Pokemon (6)
  • Alice in Wonderland (5)
  • Game of Thrones (4)
  • Doctor Who (4)
  • Star Trek (4)
  • Dr. Seuss (4)
  • Lord of the Rings (3)
  • superheroes (3)
  • space (3)
  • Carmen Sandiego (3)
  • pirates (3)
  • alcohol (3)
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer (3)
  • Olympics (3)
  • food (3)
  • X-Files (3)
  • pizza (3)
  • Breaking Bad (3)
  • James Bond (3)
  • Shakespeare (3)

We happened to do Disney Star Wars back in 2012 when the Lucas/Disney sale was first announced, but there’s no reason why we couldn’t do Disney, Star Wars, or another Disney Star Wars. We also did board games back in May of 2011, Doctor Who a little more recently in September, and James Bond in 2013. But these are all good themes, and as long as the puzzles are unique, fun, and challenging, we’re open to revisiting past motifs.

The remaining suggestions are as follows (highlights added strictly for humor value I’ve highlighted a few unique entries to better stand out):

30 Rock, 7 Wonders, 80s, 80s action movies, 90s, a salute to gingers, AA Milne, Adventure Time, ALF, anagrams, Ancient Rome, Angry Birds, astrology, Austin, automobiles, Back to the Future, backpacking, bad Scifi movies, Barbie, Beatles songs, beer, Best of the MIT Mystery Hunt, birdwatching, Blade Runner, Bones, boy bands, branches of the Armed Forces, Britney Spears, Broadway shows, butts, Calvin and Hobbes, cats, cheese (A Brie Encounter, Cheddar Off Dead, etc.), childhood, childhood games, chocolate, circus, classic cinema, classic literature, Clue, Clue (the game), Coca-Cola, college football conferences, colors, comic books, Comics, composers of classical music, conspiracy theories, crosswords, cryptology, cuisines, cultures around the world, David Bowie + The Muppets = Labyrinth, David Bowie/labyrinth, DC, dessert, dinosaurs, Disney Princesses, dogs, donuts, Downton Abbey, Edgar Allan Poe, Egypt, emoji, escape rooms, Ex Machina, exploring, fairy tale, fairy tales, famous cathedrals, famous Chicagoans/landmarks/history, famous crossroads, Fargo, Firefly, Firefly/fireflies/“Firefly”, fish, flowers, Follow that Bird, football (soccer), Futurama, G. I. Joe, Ghostbusters, Gilmore Girls, grade school, Gravity’s Rainbow, hair metal, hair metal bands, Hamilton, He-Man, Hello Kitty/Sanrio, history, holidays, Hollywood/directing a film, hot cheese, House MD, HP Lovecraft, Hunger Games, Jeopardy, Jim Henson, John Hughes movies, Keep Austin Weird, Labyrinth (the film), Lady Gaga outfits, Larry Bird vs. Dr. J, Law & Order SVU, League of Legends, Lego, libraries, Limburger, literature, logic puzzles, Looney Toons, Mad Magazine, magic, March Madness, Mardi Gras, Marvel, Mass Effect, math, mazes, MegaMan, Mel Brooks, Michael J. Fox, Miyazaki (Totoro), moar robots, Monty Python, movies, Muppets, museums, music, music, sheet music, musicals, mythical creatures, Nickelodeon, Nintendo, Orphan Black, outer space, Parks & Rec, Party Down!, pinball, Pixar, Portal, Portlandia, Post Apocalyptia, presidents, pro wrestling, psychology, Pulp Fiction, pumpkin everything, QI, raccoons, Rambo, Red Dwarf, Rocky Horror, Roman, Roman numerals, RPGs, running, running a newspaper, science, scifi, scifi movies, Scooby Doo, seas on Earth, seas on the moon, secret agent, Seinfeld, Sesame Street, sharks, Sharktopus, Sherlock Holmes, Simpsons, Smurfs, solar system, songs by a famous band, space/planets/astronomy, spies, spies/spying, sports, Steven King, Story Lords (on YouTube, created in 1984, children’s reading educational program produced in Wisconsin), stupid laws (e.g. emergency Sasquatch ordinance), summer camp, Super Mario, Terry Pratchett works, the (fictional) Martians, The Big Bang Theory, The Birdman of Alcatraz, the elements, The Hateful Eight, the impressionists, The Legend of Zelda, The Martian, The Matrix, the movies of Gene Kelly, The Office, The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York, the presidents, The Smashing Pumpkins, the victorian era, The World Series, time travel, Tom Cruise, Tour de France, transportation, trash pandas, travel/flights, traveling, TV game shows, TV shows with initialisms, Twin Peaks, twitter, US presidents, varieties of tomatoes, Walking Dead, War of 1812, We care more about good content. Anything can make a good theme if handled well., weather systems, Weird Al, Whedonverse, who-dunnits (Like Jan 2016), wilderness survival, Winnie the Pooh, women scientists or musicians, World of Warcraft, xkcd, Yo-yos, “don’t be such butts”, “less poetry, more math”, and “one that does not require scissors

A few of the suggestions are funny in context (such as the one team that suggested Angry Birds, birdwatching, Follow that Bird, The Birdman of Alcatraz, and Larry Bird vs. Dr. J, or the team that suggested The Martian as well as sci-fi martians in general). A few of the suggestions might not resonate in all countries globally, such as US presidents. Several suggestions all orbited around David Bowie, Labyrinth, the Muppets, and Jim Henson. It was tough to normalize them down to one specific word or phrase, but any of those ideas could be fun.

If you’re interested in writing a whole month or simply contributing a bonus puzzle or two, please contact us and we’ll point you to the author guidelines. And if you’d like to perform your own analysis, you can download the raw data.

Do you check standings?

Since the beginning, Puzzled Pint has logged team standings each month — a table of which teams attended, solve times, and so on. It was a fun idea in the beginning, but as Puzzled Pint matures, there has been friction about the published standings. Internally, we use them as a rough gauge of how hard we thought the month’s puzzles were vs. reality. But publishing them on the site is extra work and their value has recently been called into question.

From a player’s point of view, they are entirely artificial. “Solve time” means very little when local Game Control freely gives out hints. It’s also highly variable based on play style. Some cities eat dinner first and then jump into puzzles undistracted. Some solve puzzles more casually over food and drink. A few larger teams split the packet up, solving puzzles in parallel. Most teams focus on one puzzle at a time so that all players can savor the a-ha moments.

From Puzzled Pint Headquarters’ point of view, the public standings page is extra work and additional moving parts when producing events each month. For legacy reasons, most of the standings are manual operations, split between local GC and HQ. This was fine with one or two cities, but hasn’t scaled up well. HQ must wait until all the local city GC have entered their data, then an HQ volunteer finds time to clean up and normalize the entries for public consumption, copying between spreadsheets. We like to focus on finding authors, playtesting puzzles, helping with feedback and editing, onboarding new cities, and running events. Compared to the other responsibilities, updating standings often feels like busywork.

There’s also the philosophical angle in which Puzzled Pint is meant to be a beginner-friendly event. Some see standings as fostering a competitive environment by keeping score and highlighting the more experienced teams. Our Puzzled Pint Charter specifically states that we’re non-competitive with no prizes and no scoring. Are standings a form of score?

With that in mind, we presented teams with a related Question of the Month (QotM) in January: “After the event, do you check the standings?” with the following results:

AnswerTeam CountPercent
What standings?6119.4%
No answer / bad answer8025.4%

The majority of answers in that last row were from teams not filling out the question. A few were from teams checking multiple conflicting answers, effectively throwing out simultaneous Yes and No answers (there were only a few). Teams that checked both No and What were counted as What.

Plotting the raw percentages gives us this chart:

We can probably lump together the No and most of the What answers. There’s a chance that a few Whats might convert to Yeses after becoming aware of their existence, but it’s likely only a small number of teams. The non-answers could go either way, but my experience in hearing from teams, local GC, and Twitter comments is that the folks that love standings are very vocal about loving the standings (and about getting them posted in a timely manner). The people that don’t care or outright don’t like them tend to be a little more apathetic or quiet. Given this, I could make a broad sweeping assumption that the Yes folks all said yes and that the non-answer folks are probably in the No or What category:

But do remember that this makes some sweeping assumptions that may not be entirely valid.

Looking at city-by-city data, the locations in which the Yes crew took the majority are: Austin, Chicago, Detroit, London, Phoenix, Eastside Seattle, and Washington DC.

So what does this all mean? It means we have better visibility into who likes standings. In the short term, probably not much will change. The person that has been responsible for updating standings is stepping away from them — we’re looking for a new volunteer, preferably a local GC member from a Puzzled Pint city. In the long term, we have to decide if we’re going to spend the time and effort to better automate the process. Or decide that what standings has become is now counter to the tenets of Puzzled Pint.

Puzzled Pint Attendance by City

We do our best at Puzzled Pint events to take attendance. It started in Portland as a curiosity. Or maybe an obsession on the part of Matt C. We just knew we weren’t going to break 30-40 people in attendance, so tracking seasonal change in participation was a fun curiosity.

Fast-forward to moving Puzzled Pint beyond Portland. More cities, more attendees, even breaking some cities into multiple regions (Portland, Seattle, London). When Portland started routinely getting 80+ people, shopping for bars to host the event became much more constrained. As we pull in more guest authors, they want better data on how many people their puzzles will reach. The curiosity became a necessity.

We collect the attendance data, but don’t often share it in an interesting way. The raw data is always available by digging through the standings page for each city, but I thought it would be fun to share graphically. The underlying data covers a year and 3 months. That starts after the explosive growth in Portland and Seattle, but early enough to capture the birth of a dozen new cities.

Below, we have global attendance — the sum of all the cities. This charts overall growth, such as onboarding new cities, as well as growth within the cities.

Global Attendance

The dark blue squiggily line shows actual attendance, smoothed to curves. The offset light-blue line shows a 2-month rolling average. This average gives a more realistic estimation that buffers over sudden spikes or dips. You can see the trend globally that we always see in Portland: a bump in the summer and a dip in the winter. When it gets cold, people are less likely to leave the warmth of their homes.

Just for fun, I made a stacked-bar chart, broken down by city. The colors and smaller slivers are pretty difficult to read, but you can get a feel for which cities pull in the larger numbers of people. (Spoiler alert: it’s larger urban centers and/or Puzzled Pint venues that have been around longest. Shocking, I know.)

Attendance by City

I’d considered putting the same data on a line chart, comparing city to city. I felt that was perhaps a little too disheartening to have larger cities directly compared to smaller ones in such a fashion. I instead plotted each city individually, using the same range for the x (time) axis, but varying the y (attendance) range to better normalize and fit the data for a given city.

Keep in mind that there will be some fluctuation and bounce when looking at individual cities. Sometimes a city isn’t able to report attendance stats (or even overall standings) for the month. Sometimes there are teams that take packets but quietly leave without checking in with GC. Sometimes additional teammembers arrive part-way through the event without being counted. Looking at the global numbers helps buffer away some of these localized glitches. Looking at an individual city, especially a smaller one, may result in what appears to be wild changes in attendance due to the more significant margin of error.

So: what does it all mean? It means Puzzled Pint continues to grow. If you’d like to run Puzzled Pint in your city, please contact us and we’ll walk you through what it takes. (Hint: it’s pretty easy!)

Gender Representation at Puzzled Pint

Puzzle events in Portland have, anecdotally, been a fairly even 50/50 split between men and women. Nobody has thought to tally up exact numbers, mainly because we don’t think much about it. But that has been the general consensus of gender split when discussing Portland puzzle events.

We occasionally get out-of-town visitors — familiar with Puzzled Pint in their hometown — playing here in Portland on the second Tuesday. They’re sometimes surprised at the turnout of women at the event.

This month, we thought we’d grab some empirical data about the gender of players from all the cities out there. For the sake of simplicity, we kept the choices simple: male, female, and other/unspecified. Were I to do this again, I would have separated those two slashed options. A nonbinary gender answer is much different from an “I’d rather not say” answer. (See also: Vienna’s large percentage of this category.) I apologize if anyone felt marginalized or under-represented by this grouping.

Brooklyn took the month off, and we didn’t get responses from Los Angeles or the two Seattle locations by the time this data was generated, but barring those data points here is the global result (blue==male, pink==female, magenta==other/unspecified):

Puzzled Pint's global gender breakdown
Puzzled Pint’s global gender breakdown

If you’d like to see the results for your city, as compared to the global results (or other cities), here they are. Hover your mouse to see the city name, or click for a larger version.

In case you’d like to examine the source data or Ruby script to generate these graphs, they’re linked below. Also keep in mind that these are self-reported numbers. A few outliers were thrown out — one team used a fractional number and another team said on their answer sheet that they had 100 team members in the “other” category.


Average Team Purchases by City

Recently the Puzzled Pint Game Control groups across several cities have had behind-the-scenes discussions about bar booking strategies. As the number of attendees increases, it becomes increasingly more difficult to find friendly and compatible bars. A few cities have dealt with this by constantly using the same bar or cycling through two or three “home bars.” A few others, such as London and Portland, have split Puzzled Pint into two arbitrary groups.

Because most cities try to find new bars each month, we’re always contacting somone who is new to Puzzled Pint. We find a lot of bars misunderstand Puzzled Pint initially. They’ve never heard of it and want GC to reserve a private room or put down a several hundred dollar deposit to guarantee that the players purchase a minimum amount for the evening. We instead try to frame Puzzled Pint more like a trivia night without an MC. It’s a bunch of people eating, drinking, socializing, and solving puzzles. It looks like a regular night to them, albeit a busy one — so it would be helpful to have a few extra folks on staff, but we need no other special treatment.

We thought it would be helpful to share some purchasing stats from around the world. In March, the Question of the Month we presented on the answer sheet asked how much your team spent that evening on food and drink. Not all teams responded, but I’ve noted the count of teams that did.

City Teams Reporting Average Median
Austin 15 (of 21) $43.13 $45.00
Bay Area — Peninsula 11 (of 26) $76.73 $80.00
Bay Area — San Francisco 4 (of 13) $20.25 $20.50
Brooklyn 2 (of 5) $28.00 $28.00
Chicago 16 (of 24) $22.19 $21.25
Phoenix 2 (of 5) $45.00 $45.00
Pittsburgh 1 (of 9) $65.00 $65.00
Portland 20 (of 24) $56.80 $50.00
Seattle – City 18 (of 20) $80.28 $72.50
Seattle – East 26 (of 32) $61.92 $60.00
Montreal 4 (of 4) $81.25 $77.50
Toronto 4 (of 10) $61.25 $52.50
London 10 (of 21) £56.70 £50.00

That the average and median of each city are so close together shows that the average is pretty accurate for that city. There aren’t outliers skewing the average. If you’re a numbers nerd and want to do other sorts of analysis, you can find a read-only version of the source spreadsheet on Google Docs.

City Game Control: Feel free to point bar managers to these statistics.

Players: Don’t forget to generously tip the waitstaff.

Puzzled Pint & Social Interactions

We bill Puzzled Pint as a friendly, social, puzzle-solving event that’s geared toward newbies (as well as experienced puzzlers, especially if they’re happy to handicap themselves with a few pints). The truth is that Puzzled Pint is slightly less social than we make it out to be. Attendees are social within their team and when interacting with Game Control, but teams rarely talk to one another. Over the years, we’ve employed a few “icebreaker” puzzles. They’ve been few and far between and happened back when it was just Portland and a single Seattle site.

This past month, during Wil Zambole’s A-Team set, we had a set of puzzles that required cross-team data gathering and sharing. Wil’s idea gave each team a dossier on one of four A-Team members. Each of the puzzles had a few clues that could only be solved by looking up a personal fact from one of the dossiers. Hannibal’s favorite author. Face’s favorite TV show. Murdoch’s favorite band. B.A.’s favorite flower. Teams had to send a runner out to collect the relevant data.

In the week leading up to the event, the social and interaction angle of these puzzles became quite polarizing behind the scenes. GC in different cities seemed to either love or hate the idea. We ended up allowing regional options — the GC table had a full set of cards, cards hidden around the bar, that sort of thing. Some of the major complaints included:

  • Unfair to early/late teams because there may not be another team present with the correct card.
  • Interruptions during critical solve moments.
  • Accidentally overhearing solve mechanisms from other teams.
  • Artificial bottlenecks that unfairly affect solve times and standings.

On the other hand, many in GC thought that a few minor interactions would bring in something new and novel to the night, possibly bringing us back to our more social roots.

What GC thinks is one thing, but how players feel about the event is what matters most. We added a Question of the Month to help capture player sentiment: How would you rate the interaction puzzles from 1..10 plus room for comments.

At the time of writing, we have data from 13 of 16 locations (no QotM records from Boston & Pittsburgh, no data from DC). I tabulated the data in two different ways. First, we have the raw scores. Only 40% of people wrote in a numeric score. Many more filled in a comment. Because of the disproportionate responses between values and comments, I attempted to rate the comments as positive, negative, or neutral. They broke out like this:

  • Positive
    • If the team gave a score greater than 5
    • If the team gave no score, but a positive comment
    • If the team gave a low score but specifically indicated in the comment that they liked the concept but not the execution
  • Neutral
    • If the team gave a score equal to 5
    • If the team gave no score and no comment or an irrelevant comment (“I like turtles”)
  • Negative
    • If the team gave a score < 5
    • If the team gave an entirely negative comment

Globally, we had 236 responses. For the numeric 1..10 answers we had an average of 4.7 and a median of 5. This indicates that the positives and negatives were split pretty evenly. There weren’t outliers skewing the average out of proportion. The results looked like this:


When you graph the positive/neutral/negative range of the write-in comments, it shows that a lot of people didn’t mind and that there was a fairly even split between the likes and dislikes.

And if we break it down by city, the numbers look like this:

Bay Area, Peninsula5.21377
Bay Area, SF3.79510
London, Bubble 4101
London, Squeak 362
Seattle, City47157
Seattle, Eastside3.85613

I’m not sure what city-by-city conclusions to draw from that, but thought it would be fun for each city to see how their responses compared to others.


What do you think of puzzles requiring social interaction? Have you run into any at a previous event, such as DASH or an earlier Puzzled Pint, that you particularly enjoyed? Although we want to aim for no more than one or two “icebreaker” months a year at Puzzled Pint, how might we improve the player experience for this style of puzzle?

Portland Survey, 2015

In addition to the Question of the Month on your answer sheets, cities occasionally use local questionnaires to learn about attendees. It’s been a year or two since we had one in Portland so we thought it was time to collect a little more data. We handed out double-sided quarter-sheet surveys, one to each attendee, that looked like this:

Let’s just go through the answers in order, shall we? Starting with the first, we’ll look at the experience of our players.

As you can see, we’re mainly veterans and newbies. This has always been one of our biggest challenges, with regard to both attendance numbers and difficulty. Of course, we want to encourage new members to join the community — that’s one of the core tenets Puzzled Pint was founded upon. On the other hand, the influx of new people have pushed our numbers past 100, making bar scouring extremely difficult. We’ve since tempered this by splitting into Bridgetown and Stumptown sub-groups, each with their own location.

The mix also means we have to be careful with puzzle difficulty. We don’t want to scare away the newbies with puzzles above their difficulty level, yet we also don’t want the long-time regulars to get bored. We’ve skirted around this by managing expectations — maybe not going so far as saying “if you think this is too easy, go start your own intermediate-to-advanced puzzle event” but at least by imposing this as a newbie-friendly event. Other events, such as DASH, can produce different sets of puzzles for teams with varying difficulty levels. This is difficult for Puzzled Pint since we print everything ahead of time. We’ve kicked around the idea of puzzles that can be altered post-printing (such as marking flavor text with a highlighter), but so far the idea hasn’t gotten much traction.

Portland is a small “big city” and our travel distances and methods reflect that. The vast majority of people traveled less than 5 miles and less than half came by car. That bikes and public transit were big contributors wasn’t much of a surprise. I was surprised that almost a quarter of respondents walked.


The next question, “how likely are you to recommend Puzzled Pint to a friend” is a traditional NPS survey question. Marketing and support folks may know and understand this number, most folks don’t. Suffice it to say that most organizations do poorly. Beloved companies like Apple, Trader Joe’s, and Amazon do well. Many companies get close to zero, or even negative numbers. (The scale goes from –100 to 100.) We got a quite reasonable 69. Admittedly, there may be some selection bias here. Only people that took time out of their Tuesday night to come solve puzzles were able to respond, so the folks that don’t like us enough to not show up (and would likely also not tell their friends) would not be represented.


And someone had difficulty letting go of friends that ascended into Game Control:

Next up is the neighborhood question. This helps us focus on where to look when scouting bars. With 80–100 people, there are far fewer choices. Now that we’ve split up into two locations, more options have opened. I particularly enjoyed the written-in “LOL” next to one person’s Beaverton answer. Although a non-zero percentage of folks said they’d go to Beaverton for Puzzled Pint, none of the current GC are interested due to distance and transit. (That being said, if you’re in Beaverton and want to start up a chapter out there, please don’t hesitate to email us.)


The vast majority of responses wanted downtown or northwest, which makes sense. It’s central to everyone. For reasons mentioned above, and despite the numbers, I think we are going to ignore the St. John’s and Beaverton suggestions. Both numbers are much higher than I expected, but our team isn’t terribly interested in the awkward travel. It looks like we probably won’t be going past 50th. The NE and SE quadrants got a lot of hits, though I personally didn’t expect the NE distances to be quite that far out.

On the difficulty front, we got average-to-intermediate, which is roughly the range we’re trying to hit. A few of the responses singled out some months as particularly difficult in margin notes.

We’ve collated the bar suggestions into a spreadsheet and are actively investigating them during our scouting runs. So thank you for those responses! You’ll see some of those suggestions being used over the next few months.

And finally… kittens or puppies. About a third of you just couldn’t commit. You checked both and scribbled over the “or” with an “and.” Alas, as inclusive as you’d love to me, that answer just doesn’t help one side or the other. We had to pull you out of the tallies. A couple of you had strong affinities for puppy breeds:


A couple of you are full of negativity toward cats:


Ultimately, puppies won out over kittens by two votes:

I’d really expected Portland to be a kitten town. Thanks for letting me down, Portland!

That’s it for now. These are the simple, isolated stats. I’d like to work out some correlation across questions soon. Does your longevity in Puzzled Pint influence what you said for puzzle difficulty levels? Are the folks with a higher travel distance also the Beaverton and St. John’s voters? Are walkers/bikers predominantly dog people? If you’d like to run your own numbers, you can download a CSV of the survey results and go to town.