October 2023 – Nobel Prizes


Tuesday October 10, 2023    
Check your preferred location for times


This event’s theme is Nobel Prizes and is brought to you by Bryony McMillan and Michael Clark of Oxford, United Kingdom.

Bryony and Michael naturally found themselves divvying up the rounds into the hardcore scientific (Chemistry, Biology and Physics) for Bryony and the wishy-washy artsy ones (Literature, Peace and Economics) for Michael, which probably says something profound about their personalities. Bryony has a background in project management consultancy and, in addition to the obvious love of puzzles and games, enjoys swing dancing and cuddling her two cats. Michael works in IT and software development and has probably seen more old films than you. Together they run a small company making puzzles and puzzle boxes.

They also host the Oxford branch of Puzzled Pint which has been going for just over a year and has started gathering a nice group of regulars.



Need a little help to solve the puzzles?

If you are new to Puzzled Pint or just looking for general help then check out Puzzling Basics for tips on how to tackle these style of puzzles. For some puzzles, the Code Sheet is very helpful.


The locations for this event were: