May 2017 – Pintopia Press
No puzzles this month require color printing.
- Pintopia Press Delivery (location puzzles led people to bars)
- Answer Sheet
- Hints for all puzzles (can be taken one at a time)
- Front Page
- Weather and Sports
- Puzzle (two puzzles on one sheet)
- Weather Solution
- Sports Solution
- Word Games
- Business News
- The Next Day (meta puzzle)
- Horoscopes (bonus puzzle)
All main puzzles (no location, meta, or bonus) in one file.
Thanks to the Chicago Puzzled Pint‘s Sandor Weisz for writing all of this month’s main puzzles! He also produces puzzlehunts through the Mystery League. (Location puzzle courtesy Chicago’s Wil Z., and bonus puzzle was a collaboration between Sandor, Wil, and Sarah Weisz.)