The first step is to fill in the circles using the previous puzzle answers. 2:5 refers to puzzle #2, letter #5. The messages on the first page (the one with BRA, E, ISH, and GA) are - peachy - hope it is not a big trial helping me get out The messages on the first page (the one with DIM, DEER, WASH, and SENT) are - ultimate - you are the best - this is the happiest day - ah to be free The messages on the first page (the one with RE, SAY, EL, and SALT) are - thanks - delight - so happy - only the brilliant could do this for me Once filled in, cut out and fold up the three pieces. In the "TO ASSEMBLE THE KEY" section, note that ALIGNED is in strikethrough text, and JO??EN-> replaces it. ?? stands for IN. Likewise for DISCOVER and DETERM??E->, and again for SIGNIFICANCE and MEAN??G. The assembly section has six words in all caps. Find synonyms for those words that have an IN in them. You'll find word fragments on the three modules that fit your "IN" synonyms as follows: "REEDUCATE" BRA ?? WASH -> GUARD SENT ?? EL -> CARIBOU RE ?? DEER -> CONTRADICT GA ?? SAY -> LESSEN DIM ?? ISH -> CRACKER SALT ?? E -> Think of the first part of the word as being a TAB that you stick *IN* to a SLOT which is the second part of the word. It works best to pick two pieces and two TWO tab-slot connections together before bringing the third pieces into play. For example: - start with RE??DEER - hold those pieces together, and you can also get SENT??EL Note that if you start with SENT??EL, then RE??DEER is the one that fits. It turns out that the tab-slots go in pairs like this: 1) RE??DEER and SENT??EL 2) GA??SAY and SALT??E 3) BRA??WASH and DIM??ISH But back to RE??DEER and SENT??EL. Once they're together, you can add the third piece. - start with one of the tabs on the third piece, like GA??SAY. - next do DIM??ISH - then SALT??E - finish with BRA??WASH When assembled correctly, a single connected path will be formed which spells "DOROTHY HAD THEM ALL THE TIME". And the answer is "RUBY SLIPPERS"