August 2017 - Destiny
Tap on any hint box to view it.
Location - HIVE
- The black squares on the answer sheet represent “DARK”
- The shape of the puzzle counts as an image
- The answer is a 4-word phrase
- Numbers tell you which letters to extract from the word represented by the other 3 clues in the nine center 2x2s
- Read the extracted letters in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order as you encounter them in the grid
- CLUE PHRASE: The resulting clue phrase refers to position, not meaning
- CLUE PHRASE: Aside from the corners, you haven’t used the outer edges yet.
- The final answer is six letters long
- WHAT DO I DO? Each grid contains five thematically-linked words, each formed from one square from each column.
- SOMETHING’S NOT WORKING: OK, I lied. One of the words skips a column
- EXTRACTION: Read the skipped squares in order, left to right, top to bottom
- Each answer is the title of a song
- Exactly one letter is changed from the first word to the second
- Two word fragments at the bottom, plus another letter, can be combined for each answer,
- EXTRACTION: Read the changed letters in the second word
- The flavortext is very instructive.
- In each grid, a word or 2-word phrase can be spelled out, Boggle-style.
- I’VE GOT THE WORDS, NOW WHAT? Did you draw the paths?
- OK, I DID THAT, NOW WHAT? Every path is used exactly twice, in two different grids. That seems interesting.
- JUST TELL ME! In grids that use the same path, exactly one letter is in the same position in both grids (and both words).
- THIS ISN’T AN ANAGRAM, IS IT? No. Read the letters in position order (either word position or grid position)
Meta - The Traveler
- The flavortext is essential
- The important words in the flavortext are LIGHT and IN-FUSES.
- You can insert the word LIGHT into each answer to make a new word or phrase. Those will fit into the blanks.