#Webcomics XKCD Solution 1. Look at each picture and try to identify the colored object. 2. Turn each color into a number using [resistor color codes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistor_color_codes#Resistor_color_coding) 3. Use the number to index into each name 4. How do xkcd fans find each other? "Using Geohashing" (see also: ) | Color | Item | Index | Indexed Letter | Image Source | |:-------|:-----------|:-----:|:--------------:|:---------------------| | Violet | Dinosaur | 7 | U | http://xkcd.com/15/ | | Blue | Cactus | 6 | S | http://xkcd.com/35/ | | Yellow | String | 4 | I | http://xkcd.com/260/ | | Violet | Balloon | 7 | N | http://xkcd.com/260/ | | White | Boomerang | 9 | G | http://xkcd.com/475/ | | Brown | Globe | 1 | G | http://xkcd.com/825/ | | Red | Bed | 2 | E | http://xkcd.com/571/ | | Green | Laptop | 5 | O | http://xkcd.com/538/ | | Red | Sheep | 2 | H | http://xkcd.com/571/ | | Yellow | Kayak | 4 | A | http://xkcd.com/209/ | | Brown | Squirrel | 1 | S | http://xkcd.com/776/ | | Yellow | Lighthouse | 4 | H | http://xkcd.com/59/ | | Blue | Sierpinski | 6 | I | http://xkcd.com/95/ | | Yellow | Coin | 4 | N | http://xkcd.com/693/ | | Orange | Megaphone | 3 | G | http://xkcd.com/684/ |