Each of the 9 sentences on the bottom of the page can reference two of the words around the wheel. (For instance, the first one references IMPART (imp, art) and DELIVERY (deli, very). Use each pair of words to create a semaphore letter. (The first one is F.) Answer: FLAREGUNS Split down middle for two words: DELI/VERY, IMP/ART (F) Abbreviation for day of week: harMONies, converSATion (L) Trigram: deliVERy, conVERsation (A) One letter replaced with C: IMPArT, TAlK (R) Final six letters is word: deLIVERY, harMONIES (E) Two-char roman numeral less than 500: delIVery, voICe (G) Three letter word for appendage: hARMonies, redeFINed (U) Shares 5 unique letters with another word: COnVErsatIon, VOICE (N) One letter replaced with CH to make new word: tALK, vOICE (S)