HINTS 1. The grid puzzle is an Akari, with extra information (the numbers below and on the right). 2. There are 11 lanterns to place. All lanterns will be adjacent to a numbered black square. 3. The numbers adjacent to the rows and columns are used to resolve the lantern locations into letters. 4. The resulting letters must be anagramed for the solution. AKARI - rules goal: place lanterns in empty grid squares so that each empty square is illuminated - The number in a black square is the number of lanterns orthagonally adjacent to the black square. - Each lantern illuminates from the bulb along a row or column. The light from a lantern is blocked by any black square. - Every white square must be illuminated. - A lantern cannot illuminate another lantern. SOLUTION 1) place lanterns 2) multiply row & column numbers of lantern locations 3) index those numbers into alphabet 4) anagram to PHOTOPHOBIA